Graphic Designer Roles in E-commerce vs. SaaS Product Companies

Graphic Designer Roles in E-commerce vs. SaaS Product Companies

Graphic Designer Roles in E-commerce vs. SaaS Product Companies

Graphic Designer Roles in E-commerce vs. SaaS Product Companies

Find out the difference between working for an e-commerce company and a SaaS product company as a graphic designer. We will also dive into the different career growth and advancement opportunities as a graphic designer in both e-commerce and SaaS companies.

Find out the difference between working for an e-commerce company and a SaaS product company as a graphic designer. We will also dive into the different career growth and advancement opportunities as a graphic designer in both e-commerce and SaaS companies.

Find out the difference between working for an e-commerce company and a SaaS product company as a graphic designer. We will also dive into the different career growth and advancement opportunities as a graphic designer in both e-commerce and SaaS companies.

Jan 5, 2024

Jan 5, 2024

Jan 5, 2024

Graphic Designer Roles in E-commerce vs. SaaS Product Companies
Graphic Designer Roles in E-commerce vs. SaaS Product Companies
Graphic Designer Roles in E-commerce vs. SaaS Product Companies

In the digital world we live in, graphic design holds an important place, especially for E-commerce and SaaS (Software as a Service) product services. As a graphic designer, I’m sure you’ve come across both e-commerce and SaaS product companies and wondered which might be the better fit. While each sector presents promising prospects, the day-to-day work differs substantially. So what exactly separates these two paths? In this blog, we will dive into the ins and outs of graphic design for e-commerce vs. SaaS to help you decide.

Difference Between Graphic Designer Roles in E-commerce and SaaS Product Companies

Graphic Designers in E-commerce

  • Designs for product images, website banners, advertisements

  • The goal of visual elements is to evoke emotions and stand out

  • A mix of static and dynamic content

  • Focused on increasing conversions and sales

Graphic Designer in SaaS

  • Creating visual identities (logo, color scheme, banner, etc.) for software

  • The goal of visual elements is to enhance software usability, guide users effectively

  • Primarily static content

  • Focused on increasing usability & stickiness

Roles and Responsibilities in e-Commerce 

good graphic design for e-commerce can increase conversion

Graphic design can aid e-commerce businesses by making customer experiences visually pleasant, and your day-to-day responsibilities include: 

Designing Product Images 

This can be on print, web, or application. Your focus will be on how the end product looks with different design elements, ultimately, with the right combination of visual elements, you will be able to evoke emotions and feelings in users. 

Developing Marketing Collaterals 

To stand out in the buzzing world of e-commerce, you will need to create engaging marke­ting materials. These can drive attention, encourage sales, and strengthen brand recognition. 

Creates Visually Stunning E-commerce Sites

You will be in charge of creating logos, and product images, for the company’s website. With those graphics, you will be able to create visually stunning websites ultimately elevating user experience on all devices.

Visualize Social Media Content 

As the graphic designer, you will be responsible for developing compelling visual content across social media platforms. This includes graphics, infographics, and videos that align with the brand's style while capturing the interest of online audiences. Crafting engaging visuals is crucial for e-commerce businesses, as it allows them to stand out among competitors and attract potential customers. To succeed in this role, you'll need a keen sense of visual messaging as well as the ability to stay on top of real-time market trends. Strong creative skills and pulse on emerging design styles will be important for generating visuals that drive engagement and sales.

Roles and Responsibilities in SAAS Product Companies

Graphic designer choosing a color palette

Graphic designe­rs are key in SAAS product businesse­s, and your day-to-day responsibilities include: 

Creating a Strong Visual Identity 

With visual elements such as icons, animations, color schemes, you will be able to create an overall visually stunning representation of the brand on the internet. Ultimately, you will play an important role in telling the company’s story, building customer loyalty and increasing revenue. 

Collaborate with Product Design and Marketing Teams

You will be working closely with the product engineers, UI/UX department, and marketing team to help create visual assets that complement the user experience of smart devices and applications relating to products.

Follow Brand Guidelines 

You will have to follow brand guidelines such as typography, colors, and logos so as to ensure that there is a cohesive look to all the marketing materials. 

Design Manuals and Paper Materials 

You will be responsible for designing instruction manuals, and warranty documents among many other paper materials for your customers. This will mean that you will need to have a deep understanding of your audience and plan your content clearly and concisely for users to understand.

Career Growth and Advancement

career development in the field of graphic design


The salary for graphic designer roles varies based on the experience level, industry, and country you are in. In the following table, we will be providing you with the base salary for graphic designers in the region of Asia. 


  • Junior: US$20,000 - 25,000/year

  • Mid-level: US$24,000 - 45,000/year

  • Senior: US$40,000+ /year


  • Junior: US$20,000 - 30,000/year

  • Mid-level: US$28,000 - 50,000/year

  • Senior: US$45,000+/year

Do keep in mind that these are just general ranges and your actual salary will be dependent on your specific circumstances. However, it is worth noting that when it comes to senior roles, SaaS companies tend to pay more compared to E-commerce roles. 

Career Advancement and Growth

  • E-commerce: Boasting booming growth, e-commerce offers more abundant job openings for graphic designers at all levels. This makes it easier to break into the field or switch companies.

  • SaaS: Job postings might be less frequent, but competition can be fierce due to the potentially higher salaries and prestige associated with top SaaS companies.

Work Culture and Learning 

  • E-commerce: Can be fast-paced and demanding, especially in agencies. However, this translates to rapid learning opportunities as you tackle diverse projects within tight deadlines. The focus is usually on immediate conversion and user engagement.

  • SaaS: Offers a more structured environment with an emphasis on long-term product vision and user experience. The learning curve might be slightly slower, but you'll delve deeper into specific design areas like interaction or UI/UX.

Challenges and Opportunities

In both sectors, you will face different challenges and opportunities, here’s a summary of what you can expect: 



  • Fast-paced and demanding

  • Focus on immediate conversions

  • Competition and tight budgets


  • Abundant job market

  • Diverse projects

  • Direct impact on sales



  • Steep learning curve

  • Competition for top roles

  • Focus on long-term vision


  • Higher salaries

  • Focus on user experience

  • Structured environment

Is E-commerce or SaaS better for me?

Graphic designer deciding on which route to take

Ultimately, the best choice to work for an e-commerce or SaaS company depends on your individual priorities:

  • Prioritize job security and plentiful opportunities? E-commerce might be your fit.

  • Aim for potentially higher salaries and a structured environment? Consider SaaS.

  • Thrive in a fast-paced environment with diverse projects? E-commerce could be ideal.

  • Prefer a focus on long-term user experience and product vision? SaaS might be your calling.

In Summary

Be it working for an e-commerce company or a SaaS product company, both offer exciting opportunities for you as a graphic designer. With the right skills and experience, the world of graphic design is yours to claim. 

We wish you the best as you explore your job prospects and further develop your career in the field of graphic design, be it e-commerce or SaaS product companies. If you are looking for job opportunities, there are plenty out there for you, you can tap on job platforms like LinkedIn Jobs, Indeed, Recruitery, etc. which can help you find your perfect position.

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